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Jumat, 12 Mei 2017

Peraturan-Peraturan Di Dunia Maya

Hey! ketemu lagi, setelah sekian lama, hahaha. Sumpah kerja gue makan waktu sekarang, 12 jam coy gak tanggung-tanggung. Hahaha agak curhat tapi gapapalah.

Apa sih yang bikin gue rela luangin waktu buat post lagi?? Jadi ceritanya gue iseng buka 9gag, terus ada yang comment "rule 34! no exception". Nah gue penasaran tuh, rule apa sih? Apa 9gag ada rules yang gue gak tau? Gue cari tau pake google, rule 34, kurang paham karna kebanyakan bahasa inggris dan mengarah ke tema-tema sex, tapi super aneh, random. Lo pikir aja masa ada gambar tank sama tank lagi "begituan". Dan sampai gue nemu artikel di kaskus tentang "Peraturan-peraturan yang harus dipatuhi di Internet.

Sebenernya peraturan dibuat khusus untuk situs 4chan, situs image board semacam reddit gitu yang isinya tetua-tetua internet yang berwawasan luas namun sebagian sakit mental. Untuk yang belom tau 4chan atau reddit, silahkan di-googling dulu haha. Tapi seiring berjalannya waktu peraturan ini diadopsi dan digunakan oleh pengguna internet dan tidak asing dikalangan pembuat atau penggemar meme. (bacanya meem/mim bukan meme, jangan norak deh).

Okey, langsung aja ya gue jabarin peraturannya, tapi biar afdol tetep gue pake bahasa inggris, karna ini peraturan internasional. Cekidot!!

Rule 1: You don't talk about /b/.

Rule 2: You DON'T talk about /b/.
Please, jangan paksa gue. Itu peraturan. Tapi mungkin lo bisa cari tau disini.

Rule 3: We are Anonymous.

Rule 4: Anonymous are legion.

Rule 5: Anonymous do not forgive, Anonymous do not forget.

Rule 6: There is no rule 6.

Rule 7: No matter how much you love debating, keep in mind that no one on the internet debates. Instead they mock your intelligence as well as your parents.

Rule 9: There is a Touhou version of it. no exceptions.

Rule 10: If the character exists, there's someone role-playing as that character on Youtube, no exceptions.

Rule 11: If it exists, there is a LEGO version of it, no exceptions.

Rule 12: Anything you say can and will be used against you.

Rule 13: Anything you say can and will be turned into something else.

Rule 14: Do not argue with trolls - it means they win.

Rule 15: The harder you try, the harder you will fail.

Rule 16: If you fail in epic proportions, it may just become a winning failure.

Rule 17: Every win fails eventually.

Rule 18: When in Cosplay, be it Civil War Reenactment or Anime Conventions, never break character! (Except Rule 22).

Rule 19: The more you hate it, the stronger it gets.

Rule 20: Nothing is to be taken seriously. EXCEPT RULE 71!

Rule 22: When a real emergency happens, all these rules are null and void and Real Life Rules apply.

Rule 29: On the internet men are men, women are also men, and kids are undercover FBI agents.

Rule 30: Girls do exist on the internet.

Rule 31: There will always be Fan Fiction of if it is popular enough, no exceptions.

Rule 32: Any line can be interpreted with a sexual connotation, no exceptions.

Rule 34: If it exists, there is porn of it.

Rule 35: If there is no porn of it, porn will be made of it.

Rule 36: No matter what it is, it is somebody's fetish, no exceptions.

Rule 42: Always bring your towel, no exceptions.
Why towel? Kenapa harus handuk? Coba nonton "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy".

Rule 43: The more beautiful and pure a thing is - the more satisfying it is to corrupt it.

Rule 47: !???

Rule 48: Profit

Rule 50: A Cross Over, no matter how improbable, will eventually happen in Fan Art, Fan Fiction, or official release material, no exceptions!

Rule 51: No matter how fucked up it is, there is always worse.

Rule 61: Chuck Norris is the ONLY exception to rule 63. There are no other exceptions, and rule 63 is lying.

Rule 62: It has been cracked and pirated. no exceptions.

Rule 63: For every given male character, there is a female version of that character (and vice-versa). Including Chuck Norris. Rule 61 is lying to you. And there is always porn of that character. No Exceptions.

Rule 64: If it exists, Tony Stark can make it in a CAVE. With a BOX of SCRAPS.

Rule 65: If a game exists, their is a Let's Play of it, no exceptions.

Rule 66: If their is no lets play of it, a Let's Play will be made, no exceptions.

Rule 71: The internet is SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS.

Rule 72: Darth Vader is your father, only minor exceptions apply.

Rule 75: Something on the internet will blow your mind always, no exceptions.

Rule 77: The internet makes you stupid most of the time.

Rule 78: There is a Wiki of it, no exceptions.

Rule 80: If it exists, there is a Furry/Anthro version of it, no exceptions.

Rule 81: If it exists, there will eventually be Magic: The Gathering version of it, no exceptions.

Rule 85: If it exists, there is or will be a pony version of it, no exceptions.

Rule 86: If it exists, the fans will always make rules for it and put it in an RPG Tabletop game, no exceptions.

Rule 88: If it exists, there will eventually be a time-travel story about it be it Fan Fiction or Fan Art or Offical.

Rule 103: For every song, there is a Vocaloid version of it.

Rule 104: If there is not a Vocaloid version of it, there will be. No exceptions.


Rule 123: 456789.

Rule 177: Tropicana tastes like rainbow. No exceptions.

Rule 169: Nah, I'd rather have 2 69s.

Rule 190: The only good hentai is yuri, that's how the internet works. Only exception may be Vanilla.

Rule 269: Yeah, finally...2 69s!

Rule 284: What has been seen cannot be unseen. Even with the post clearance that's coming up.

Rule 647: Keldeo is a pony.

Rule 666: If it exists, someone will involve it in a conspiracy theory. No exceptions.

Rule 9001: It's over 9000!!! No exceptions.

Nah itu dia peraturan-peraturan yang harus dipatuhi selama diving di dunia maya. Seenggaknya ya buat pengguna 4chan hahaha. Gue rasa gak ada aturan kongkrit atau resmi lengkap dengan tanda tangan bermaterai, karna kalo gue liat ada beberapa peraturan yang lebih dan kurang ada yang tidak sesuai urutan, tapi yang jelas semuanya masuk akal dan semuanya perlu dipatuhi. Ini beberapa peraturan dari artikel lain:

Silahkan dibuka aja sendiri kalo mau tau. Yang gue jabarin disini gue dapetin dari kaskus hehe tapi yang gue jabarin ini juga yang paling umum. Jadi gue rasa gak ada masalah.

Okay, gue rasa cukup segitu aja, semoga bisa nambah wawasan kalian. Gue pamit undur diri, sampai ketemu lagi dengan gue di post selanjutnya yang gak tau kapan. Bye~


2 komentar:

ko cuma baca doang? di komen laaaaah..

Pengen Punya Mobil